Space and light. Lots of light.
Randomness. Yes, again.

Halloween Report

Tonight we had three trick-or-treaters around here. And while some may think some of my kids are too old for that, I don't really care. Because they were awesome.

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That's Max, as Ketchup, Raphi as Mustard, and Sophia, as a slightly surly fairy princess. Or as she says it, a "very princess." Which is totally accurate. 

Raphi's costume is a scary one, as far as he's concerned. Mustard is gross. If you ask him, he'll tell you the chilling tale about the time he ate his dad's hamburger on accident and it tasted weird. *shudder*

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Doesn't he LOOK scary?

I'm pretty sure it was a successful trick-or-treating trip (I did not take them; that's their dad's job), but the evidence is in the before-and-after shot. So here's before:

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And a few hours later:

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Ohhhh yeah.

Tre even tagged along - not trick-or-treating, OBVIOUSLY, but just...walking along with the rest of them. Maturely. 

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And with just a little interest in the proceedings. (He is not upset here, by the way. This is his expression when you point a camera at him. I'm not sure why. Isn't he adorable?)

So that was our Halloween. I hope yours was as much fun, and the candy is plentiful. Be sure to check under your bed tonight for scary things like mustard.




My eldest was too cool for trick-or-treating this year. He sighed and moaned and suggested that OKAY I could take his picture in the pre-trick-or-treat line-up ANYway. (I had not thought of such a thing.)


HOLD UP. Look how FAR AWAY from the counters your kitchen table is, now! We need pics of the new house. Or, you know, if that's weird, just email ME pictures of the new house, you jerk.

Love you. :)


Um...yeah, yeah...the kids are wonderful! Is that the new house in the background??


I totally agree, mustard IS scary. And gross. It's beautiful mayonnaise's ugly cousin that no one wants to date but always hangs around the cool kids cause "I'm one of you!! Really!" Blah.

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