In puke and in...not puke
He had me convinced when I was a kid that aliens left me in the back yard, too.

Mother/daughter dance

Outside looks like this:

Feb10 021

And this:

Feb10 017
(Tre took those pictures. Aren't they amazing? Then he and Raphael cut off that branch, with the jagged-teeth looking icicles, and now it's in my freezer. I don't pretend to understand.)  

Since it's so cold, and she has so little hair, I bought a hat for Sophia, an adorable brown crocheted hat with a pink flower. I was so excited to put it on her.

Feb10 016

And every time I do, she does this:

Feb10 012

And this:

Feb10 004

And she tosses it away.

Feb10 010

And just like that, she and I join that ancient line of women and their daughters in that endless dance, wherein I lovingly offer her something I think is beautiful, and she says...

Feb10 009

As IF, Mother.   



Sophia is cuteness personified. I don't think it's possible that she could be any cuter. Got a strong mind of her own too, hehehehe. I love the hat though. If my head was that small, I'd take it. But having a head that small would make me look really freakish, so never mind.


Yup. And then, when she's older, she'll take a gander at these pictures and think that hat was SO cute, and maybe, just maybe, admit that you were right after all. :)


What a great post.

I really did laugh out loud at the computer just now.

Mothers and daughters ...


Those are the best cheeks ever. Remind me of my daughter, who is now 12, and has no shred of that yummy look anymore. Just all angles, curves and, well, twelve-ness. Thanks for the reminder.


I have an old movie of me at 18 months on Easter Sunday. In the movie, Mom puts my hat on several times. She keeps swooping down and tying the bow under my chin and I keep pulling it off. I end up with a swatted hand.....and no hat!


And this is just the beginning!


"May I have this dance, for the rest of my life..."

We've certainly done a few times around this floor.


Sophia is gorgeous! She TOTALLY reminds me of my husband's cousin's kid's kid. Oh... yeah.

Amma Always

WAIT! Isn't Sophia Deb's husband's cousin's kid's kid? (Now there's a sentence for you!)

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