Holiday riches
January 04, 2010
Whoo, did anyone get the license plate number of that holiday that just ran me over? I swear, when I grow up I want to be Mir, who always manages to post all kinds of fascinating things allll over the innernets, no matter how crazy her life becomes.
Interesting fact: I am actually older than Mir, and yet I still want to be her when I grow up. That's just sad.
So Christmas! And then New Years! And here we are, it's 2010, which is a number that has a lovely sort of visual balance to it, doesn't it?
We have had a very nice holiday season (it's not actually over just yet, you know. Twelve days of Christmas, which means packages that arrived last week were not, in fact, late). It has all been a little stressful for Sophia, who seems to be a little freaked out by the sound of tearing paper. You can just IMAGINE how much she enjoyed Christmas morning. Heh.
But the boys seem to have had a good time, and Jennie was with us over New Year's, which was really nice. She's starting her final semester of high school, and I feel like the very last days of her childhood are evaporating before my eyes, like drops of water on a hot sidewalk. It's a little like a celebrity visit when she's around.
I had a moment, a few times when we were all doing something together. Whether we were out, touring a candy factory, or home playing games, every so often I would look up and catch sight of all five of our kids, together. I don't generally think of us as being a very large family. We're And if any one of us were missing, that hole would be huge. But we are just us. But sometimes, when I step back and look at the whole herd of them, laughing together or elbowing each other as they jockey for position, it hits me:
We really are rich.
Cute kids!
Posted by: A Jen Too Many | January 05, 2010 at 05:56 AM
We did have a wonderful Christmas and New Years, even if we did stay up til 12am.
Posted by: Clay | January 05, 2010 at 08:42 AM
Oh, I just don't know - looking at the photo, it would seem Sophia doesn't get NEARLY enough attention, poor thang. ;~)
Been lurking for some time by way of Mir.
Posted by: Heidi | January 05, 2010 at 05:40 PM