It's not a competition, but everyone wins.
A sad commentary on my values


A few months ago I got an email from one of my dearest friends. She was writing to invite me to join her and three other women in creating a new weight-loss blog. I immediately accepted, THRILLED to be included in the company of these women.

I was SO thrilled, in fact, that it took me a full week and a half to say to myself, "WAIT A MINUTE. Were they CALLING ME FAT?"

No, as a matter of fact, they were not. And even if they were, I'm still thrilled to be in their company. And so what I'm asking you to do today is come check us out. Five Full Plates is the name of the site, and it's funny and irreverent and totally NOT your average weight loss blog. For example, no one is actually trying to lose weight yet! Brilliant!

I have a post up today, and it's RATHER self-revelatory on the CRAZY front (seriously - you think you know how crazy I am? You have NO IDEA how crazy I am.), so pretty pretty please come and read and leave me comforting comments, and THEN you can enjoy all the other contributors. They are genius, I'm telling you.



I have eMailed a link to my two BFF and my Aunt - declaring you to have unraveled the secret to my life. :)

Katie @ Can't Get There From Here

The problem is that usually I have Five *Empty* maybe I should tune in. :) Can't wait to see what you and Mir and everyone else have to say!

Mary Jo

Love it! Can't wait to read more.

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