Halloween report
November 02, 2009
Or "Two days later is not too late for kids this cute."
This was the first year the boys all made their own costumes. No pre-packaged plastic monstrosities for us this year, OH NO.
Does it tell you a little about how pitiful I am that it gave me a pang, knowing that not one of the boys wanted a superhero costume to play dress up with later in the year? Pitiful.
Anyhow, here they are, in all their inventive glory!
Can you tell what Tre is here? Can you?
Love that.
Max, bless his soul, is a homeless kid. I realized, too late, that his shirt was actually filthy, with remnants of some long-ago meal on the front. He claimed it only added to the authenticity, because he wouldn't be able to wash his only clothes, MOM. If he were HOMELESS.
I don't know why the hat.
Raphael is Dr. Pepper! GET IT? With the doctor's coat, the stethoscope, and the PEPPERS? Oh man. That kid kills me with his cute.
And okay, Sophia did not design her own costume.
But she did make it her own. Can you tell she's supposed to be a penguin chick?
Yes, well, but can you tell HOW BIG she is?
In other news, I was in Target today, and I passed a HUGE display of Halloween candy on clearance. My shopping cart made a Pavlovian sort of wobble in its direction before I realized, OH LORD, NO. If Target PAYED ME to take candy home, it would still be a grievous burden.
Enough candy, is what I'm saying. There's so much candy in the house that it will take Clay and I DAYS to finish it all while the boys sleep.
(How big is Kira? SHUUUUUT UUUUUP!)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! Love the costumes. Stick figure! AHAHAHAA!
Did I give you that penguin suit? I think I did. If so, I have EXCELLENT taste. Though you could've put that baby in a potato sack and she'd be adorable.
Posted by: Mir | November 03, 2009 at 06:27 AM
YES! You did give me that penguin outfit! How CUTE IS SHE?
Uh...I mean...THANK YOU!
Posted by: Kira | November 03, 2009 at 09:05 AM
Max is Homeless Crocodile Dundee.
Tre has a sneaky sense of humor (love it).
Raphael looks like a TV doctor.
Adorable is the only word for Sophia.
Where's your costume?
Posted by: Amy | November 03, 2009 at 10:34 AM
LMAO! Thanks for the giggles Kira, your boys are amazingly inventive.
Posted by: Nic | November 03, 2009 at 05:07 PM
They're all cute. I love the Dr. Pepper costume especially - so inventive.
But oh man, Kira, those pictures of Sophia make me want another baby. And I HAVE a baby!
Oh dear, my ovaries are twitching now.
This is your fault!
Posted by: Arwen | November 03, 2009 at 08:02 PM
homeless? was he enlightnening people to the plight of the homeless?
Posted by: Holly | November 04, 2009 at 11:46 PM