Celebrating six months in the air
October 06, 2009
When Sophia was born, six months ago today (!), people said lots of things about her being a girl, and how sweet and adorable she would be. We were led to expect sugar and spice and an excess of nice. Well, for the most part, she is mostly just a baby. The main differences so far have been the fact that it's quite a bit of fun to dress her, and that diaper changes are a far more crevice-y and far less geyser-y.
But other differences? Well, I don't know if what we're seeing is because she's a girl child, or because she's Sophia. And who is Sophia? Well, I hate to say I told you so, but she's somewhat fierce.
She's showing quite the flair for civil disobedience. When I put her in her car seat, she digs in with her heels and the top of her head, bowing her body away from the seat, gritting her lack of teeth and resisting me with every tiny muscle. And whenever she feels people are getting too complacent, say, at church or a doctor's waiting room, she lets loose with ear-splitting screams.
When she's especially happy to see someone, she tends to grab their face, scream, and dive for them, open-mouthed. She clearly craves human flesh, like some sort of petite, rosy-cheeked zombie.
The person she's most enamored with, I'm afraid, is the baby in the mirror. She simply CANNOT get enough of that sassy girl. She also wants to eat her flesh.
When she sees a telephone, she fixates on it and breathes heavily through her mouth. She sounds like Darth Vader and looks a little like she's possesed.
And sometimes she gets excited and she flaps her arms up and down, up and down, and gives a short, sharp shriek. Clay and I decided she must be part bird of prey, and she's trying to take flight so she can hunt down smaller, weaker animals. Clay informed her that that mostly limits her to hunting the unborn, which we discourage. She shrieked at him.
I say you can keep your sugar and spice. We'll take our fractious, flesh-craving, narcissistic, dark Sith lord, scary hawk child.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Wow, she's already six months. She really is adorable. I hope my baby will be like her too. We'll see next year! ^_^
Posted by: cheer bows | October 06, 2009 at 02:31 AM
Prairie dogs. She could be hunting prairie dogs. You Go, Sophia Ann!
Posted by: Amma Always | October 06, 2009 at 05:21 AM
My girlchild read this entry with me and is now looking up plane tickets to Colorado. Just sayin'.
Kisses to all. Especially my favorite little zombie.
Posted by: Mir | October 06, 2009 at 05:51 AM
Oh my, who could be afraid of that adorable face!
Posted by: Michelle | October 06, 2009 at 08:18 AM
Zoooooooooooooombie baby! Ah well, at least the last thing her victims see will be THE CUTENESS.
Posted by: Aimee | October 06, 2009 at 09:11 AM
Happy half-Birthday Sophia! Way to go on the prairie dog thought Amma - brilliant.
Posted by: Kristy | October 06, 2009 at 10:21 AM
>>>We'll take our fractious, flesh-craving, narcissistic, dark Sith lord, scary hawk child. <<<
Best blog line this week, and possibly EVER. Great post, happy half-birthday little one, thankfully you're the littlest one and can only eat chunks out of your siblings instead of entire appendages.
Posted by: Clarity | October 06, 2009 at 12:01 PM
That is HILARIOUS! (And so, so true. I have two of them, 5 and 3 years old now. No, it doesn't get quieter. Or easier. Just...delightfully different.)
Posted by: Katie @ Can't Get There From Here | October 06, 2009 at 02:59 PM
Happy Half-Birtday, Sophia !!
She is a truly beautiful - lovely zombie baby!
Posted by: Pamela L | October 08, 2009 at 03:10 PM
Boys! She should be hunting boys (smaller, weaker prey.......)
Posted by: Loth | October 12, 2009 at 02:06 PM