Bumper sticker wisdom
And yes, I know I'm overreacting.

Super Sophia

Okay, you know how they say that babies get extra cranky right before they master a new skill? I'm not imagining this, right? "They" do say that? I'm not going to google it because just yesterday I was all smug and I googled "12 week old baby wakes up dry diaper" because I just KNEW it was a sign of genius that Sophia almost always wakes up dry (AND SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT, BLESS HER SQUINCHY SOUL). And instead of finding what I expected, which was noted authorities saying, "Some VERY WONDERFUL BABIES have been known to stay dry at night as early as TWELVE WEEKS OF AGE," no, instead I read a screed from some woman who thinks not co-sleeping is child abuse, and if your 3 month old baby is sleeping through the night so deeply that she doesn't wet her diaper, it's too early and you're putting her at RISK OF DYING FROM SIDS. So therefore you should sleep with your baby and sort of wake her up every so often, that is, if you don't want HER TO DIE.

Sometimes I hate the internet. I swan.

But anyhow, as I was saying, I believe, but cannot verify, that babies get extra cranky just before they master a new skill. Also, I am apparently addicted to commas. Sheesh. My POINT is that Sophia is apparently just about to master calculus. Or flying. Or telekinesis.


She is not happy if you put her down.

June09 050 

She's not all that thrilled with being held, either. (It's blurry because of the rocking/bouncing/ferthelovapete, WHAT?)


Not even hanging out with her big brother makes her happy.


She is a complex creature, and don't EVEN TRY to figure her out.

After a full day of walking her and adjusting her and offering her binky and retrieving it from under the couch where it was spit with EXTREME PREJUDICE and putting her up to my shoulder, then down across my arm, facing out, then in the sling, then out of the sling...after a full day of what felt like wrestling a tiny, angry, bald, frat boy (the only other sort of human who ever threw up on me), after a full day of this, I can honestly say...


...I love every difficult inch of her.

(Did I mention she sleeps through the night? Regularly?)



As someone who never had a baby sleep through the night (I'm still waiting and my big ones are 7) I think regularly sleeping through the night at 3 months is miraculous and a gift from God. I also agree that extreme crankiness (which is an advanced skill as well) is most definitely a sign that Sophia is close to mastering something amazing. Like Calculus. It was all the time she spent listening to you homeschool the boys while in utero. BTW, I love your commas.


She's obviously destined for greatness. Not to mention extremely gorgeous!

Hi, Kira, I found your blog the other day through Joshilyn's. I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying it. I've been spending hours paddling through the archives, enjoying all your stories about your boys and admiring your writing.


For a grump, she sure is cute. I suspect that she is simultaneously mastering the art of being beautiful, AND quantum physics.


Absolutely gorgeous AND smart AND talented. OBVIOUSLY takes after her mother!

Seriously though, one of the cutest babies I've ever seen. She's just so perfect!

By the way, please tell Marty that I totally enjoyed seeing him and his bees on the news! I was scanning the background for your boys, or hoping they'd do a side story on how cool it is for youngsters to learn and carry on that valuable hobby.

Gail Clark

LOL, "I swan." I haven't heard that in forever from anyone except myself. I think my mother and other relatives, maybe grandmothers, used to say that, and when I do everyone looks at me like I have suddenly begun speaking in Vulcan or something. It's just a phrase that means "my gosh" or "well I'll be darned." I'm so glad to find someone else who is not ancient actually using the phrase.

And yes, babies do get cranky while their little neurons are working overtime firing and figuring out how to do something new. Then again, she could be teething . . . one of my kids cut a tooth at 3 months.

She's beautiful!


Do you think grown ups could use the excuse about mastering calculus when they are grumpy? I can see it becoming a euphemism for crankiness. "Don't mind him, he's just about to master calculus." Love you!


She is the cutest baby ever!!

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