Season opener
June 03, 2009
The first baseball game of the year was tonight - Raphael's team (they picked the name "Nile Crocs" - not to be confused with your ordinary old Florida Crocs, I guess) played a team named "Fire Breathing Rubber Ducks." Or something.
It was an epic battle, and since we don't keep score at the 7 and 8 year old level, all I can say is that it was a game well played.
Oh, and here's my baby, scoring a run, with a Duck in hot pursuit.
Baseball tends to take up way too much time. Already this first week we've had two nights where dinner was a hurried "grab a sandwich" sort of an affair. I know this pace will get old soon. But for tonight I'm enjoying the memory of Raphi's glowing face, as he strolled back to the dugout, glancing our way to be sure we saw.
There will be time enough to get tired of it all. For tonight I say play ball, boys.
Play ball.
(Btw, not only is that adorable - ahem, excuse me - FEROCIOUS batter Raphael, the handsome first base coach in blue is Clay. Rrrrowl, babe. Nothing hotter than a man who can - with a straight face - tell a seven year old "Good try, buddy" when he's just hit a baseball into his own face. Actually happened tonight. Not my son. I'm just saying.)
can i just say that clay is absolutely amazing? truly, it's lovely how your family has blended together.... i can't think of many in his position who would involve himself so closely with the boys' lives. it's really awesome.
Posted by: karishma | June 03, 2009 at 11:08 PM
Er, Florida has gaters, the Nile has crocs. Well, I think they do.
He sure does look cute out there. Actually they both do.
Posted by: hollygee | June 04, 2009 at 01:15 AM
Go Raphael! Haha that's really funny about the coach. cute.
Posted by: Michelle @ Find Your Balance | June 04, 2009 at 06:30 AM
Tell Raphi I am packing up my GO RAPHAEL, EAT THEM ALL UP banner in my suitcase right now.
... you say that's inappropriate? What? I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Lalalalalala!
Posted by: Mir | June 04, 2009 at 07:23 AM
I figured it was Nile crocs to distinguish themselves from rubber footwear. ;)
Anyway, Go Raphael!
Posted by: Aimee | June 04, 2009 at 08:30 AM
There ARE american crocs. Some can be found in the Everglades. It figures that kids know that from watching animal planet and the discovery channels.
Clay is cute :)
Posted by: Holly | June 04, 2009 at 02:13 PM
If all you fans of Raphael want to look at that first picture again, Raphael is a fair amount shorter than the boy chasing him. That TALLER boy started out ahead of Raphi, and Raphael passed him and got that far ahead of him. Raphi is... not tall... but he is wicked fast!
And adorable. Like his brothers. And sister. My totally objective opinion.
Posted by: Amma Always | June 06, 2009 at 09:04 AM