I don't deserve her, but then, who does?

Love sees what matters

I never finish the newspaper anymore.

I don't even remember half of what I do read.

There are five compelling novels sitting in my library bag, untouched.

I have no idea what is going on in the lives of many of my favorite bloggers.

I have a friend who keeps sending me emails, urging me toward political action, before it's too late, but I can't seem to worry too much.

But tonight, while her oldest brother made her smile,

June09 028 

...and the next brother down snapped the snaps on her jammies...

June09 038  

...I let them give her care while I just watched.

I don't accomplish much, but I see love.

June09 042 

And love is enough.

Happy Love Thursday, everyone.



It is.

So beautiful!


This is adorable! Happy Love Thursday.


cherish these days.

Lisa in NJ

all I can say is AWWWW

Katie in MA

Now THAT is Love Thursday-ish. Good on you, girl, for basking in that moment.

(And oh my GOSH what cute kids you have!!)

Happy Love Thursday!


It looks to me like you accomplished quite a bit!


So, so sweet.


What a lovely post! Happy Love Thursday!


Beautiful! Happy Love Thursday


You are dangerous because I *sigh* want one now.

Pamela L

She is Sooo Beautiful!! And you're right, love is enough!! Happy Love Thursday!!!


All that other stuff can wait, you're doing what matters most. Happy Love Thursday!

ccr in MA

Love IS what matters. That's beautiful.


Made my day! Thanks.


awww! THAT is just beautiful!! love it! thanks for sharing! :)


I hear Mir is coming to squish her soon...and I am mightily jealous. These pictures made my morning!

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