Evidence that I may be too old to rock sleep deprivation
A mix of storm and son

Hands up

Every single ultrasound I had with Sophia the tech said two things: "wow, she's really moving, isn't she?" and "her hands are up by her face."

She would push on my belly, or buzz it with some weird fetus-hazing buzzer, to try to get her to move her hands. I remember her muttering during the last ultrasound, "Is there ANY WAY to get this girl to put her hands down?"

If I'd known then what I know now, I could have told her.

May09 047

No, there is not.

May09 048 

She will have her hands up.

May09 049 

And she likes it that way.

May09 103



These are the most adorable photos ever! The last photo is gorgeous!

I would love to hear more stories of Clay and the boys interacting with her!

I know you're busy, but she is such a doll! I'm so happy for you all!


So cute. Those edible baby cheeks!


How is it possible that she can get even cuter? Sooo cute!


She's absolutely beautiful!


Photo 1: salsa dancing

Photo 2: Olympic gymnast

Photo 3: dramatic actress

Photo 4: just being an adorable baby

What great pictures. What a sweetie she is!


She will always have the answer in school, too. She is lovely!

Pamela L

She is Beautiful!! She's showing her "I intend to be comfortable & cute" personality. Good for her.

Carrie (in MN)

Oh she's so smushy and yummy!


I read that when a baby has his/her arms up it is a sign of a healthy heart. In this position it puts more exertion of the heart. She is soooo adorable.

Heather Cook

Wave your hands in the air!

Wave 'em like you just don't care!


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