Pregnant woman are allowed to anthropomorphize months.
March 05, 2009
Do you know what happened last night? Tre was making pizza for dinner, and he'd mixed up the dough and left it to its yeasty thing, and I was setting up the baby bed in my bedroom when he went to roll the crust out.
Um...I DO still make dinner sometimes. Not tonight, Max made spaghetti tonight. But other times. You should stop judging me.
Anyhow, there I was, getting the baby bed assembled, and Tre called me to come look at his pizza dough. "Mom, there's BLACK THINGS in the dough," were his exact words, I believe. That's something to get your attention, so I lumbered out to the kitchen to have a look.
Okay, to be honest, Clay was putting the baby bed together. I was giving helpful suggestions, which I think we can all agree is a VITAL part of the assembly process. I know Clay appreciated it.
Tre held out a lump of dough to me, and I pinched off a bit with a speck of black. Close inspection revealed...a bug. I just tried to Google a picture of it, and I threw up in my mouth a little, so you'll have to take my word for it. Use your imagination. There were bugs in the pizza dough, and, as it turns out, bugs in my expensive bread flour.
Look, IT HAPPENS, okay? It doesn't mean that I'm some sort of slovenly huge pregnant woman who lets great billowing mountain ranges of dog hair grow under the couch. I mean, I AM that sort of huge pregnant woman, but just at the moment, and the flour bugs were not my fault. This is my first experience with flour bugs in my long and sordid housekeeping career. In case you're wondering? They're gross. Now stop judging me.
So we pitched the flour and the dough, and I went back to standing helpfully beside Clay as he wrestled with bars and springs and things. In no time, he had that puppy assembled, and he took us all out to dinner. We went to a salad buffet place, which seems like an odd way to describe a restaurant devoted mostly to muffins and pastas and potatoes, but whatev. The kids were thrilled, and we had the most lovely evening. I sat in the middle of my family, Clay on my right, Raphi on my left, Tre and Max across from me. We talked and laughed and everyone ate as much as they could, which took me a while, because I'm all jammed full of baby at the moment, and can't fit very much food in at any one time.
You know, February was sort of a bitch. Pardon me, that was crass. But it's true. There was too much going on around here, and I had too few reserves to deal with it all. But we got through, and here we are in March. As of tonight I am 36w4d pregnant. My family is pretty much happy and okay. Any day now, I'll be holding my daughter. The baby bed is set up, the buggy flour is thrown away, and for the first time in a while I feel like everything will probably be just fine. I still can't take a full breath, but I can breathe.
Bring it on, March.
So glad to hear you are all doing good... even with flour bugs. I cannot believe your little girl will be here so soon!!! Where has the time gone?!
Posted by: Mary Jo | March 06, 2009 at 04:23 AM
Ah, that wonderful "Get this baby out of me!" stage of pregnancy. :) The "No, I don't remember what labor felt like and I don't care, because I can't breathe, I can't eat, and I can't lie down, so what can I do to make the baby come now?" stage. The "Wow, that is so much more fun to remember than it probably was to live through," stage.
;) Holding a newborn is much more fun than being pregnant.
Posted by: AJenTooMany | March 06, 2009 at 05:41 AM
Your kids are turning into such good cooks that I think they should come live at my house. We can call it shared cook custody.
I watched you answering Max's questions as he cooked yesterday evening and was so touched by your patience and gentleness. You are such a great mom.
Posted by: Amma Always | March 06, 2009 at 06:06 AM
I've missed you! Glad to hear that everyone is ok, buggy flour and all. I'm so delighted to hear that you are hanging in there, and wait with baited breath for your new litle girl!
Posted by: Carmen | March 06, 2009 at 06:46 AM
Put a couple of bay leaves in the flour. They will keep the bugs away.
(Good to hear from you again.)
Posted by: Jan in Norman, OK | March 06, 2009 at 07:15 AM
You're back! Sorry February was such a bitch, but she always is. She was a DOOZY this year.
Here's hoping March pets your head and tells you how pretty you are.
Posted by: Aimee | March 06, 2009 at 08:22 AM
Whew, I was starting to get worried!! We nurses are prone to do that! Glad to hear everything is on track. We have someone in the family due the same week as you are, ALSO having a girl. This will be the first girl grandchild on this side of the family, so everyone is excited. Prayers being said daily for you both, for safe delivery and healthy, happy babies.
Posted by: Priscilla | March 06, 2009 at 10:02 AM
Welcome back!
Posted by: amy | March 06, 2009 at 10:41 AM
Oh the bugs! I feel for you. Last year I started finding little black bugs everywhere and eventually traced them back to a huge box of birdseed in the back of a cupboard. When we found it the box was rustling! Turned out it was infested with grain weevils and they'd hatched out, scoffed the lot and gone looking for more *shudder*
Posted by: Kitty | March 06, 2009 at 10:44 AM
Glad you are all doing well and have gotten rid of the bugs! Can't wait to meet your Daughter!
Posted by: Alison C | March 06, 2009 at 12:11 PM
You should let me come take pictures of you and/or the baby and/or the whole family once little bit gets here. I'm just sayin' gift to you. Plus, then we'd have to meet. :D
Posted by: Angela Klocke | March 07, 2009 at 01:30 PM
I am a fan of March babies, having two of them myself. :-) Can't wait to hear how things go!
Posted by: Sarah D | March 08, 2009 at 12:14 AM
And I am a fan of March babies also, having one myself! A magnificent little girl, 8 lb 3 oz, at 20 inches long. But I have to say, Kirale, that I do not see you as "lumbering". Rather I see you as majestic, sort of awe inspiring. And I mean that in the best of ways. Glorious. You move gloriously!
Posted by: Amma Always | March 11, 2009 at 09:13 PM
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Posted by: Miriam | March 18, 2009 at 06:59 AM