I'm still pregnant. That's how I answer the phone right now, too.
March 29, 2009
Yup, still here. TODAY was this little one's due date, making this baby both overdue and the longest pregnancy I've ever experienced. The boys were all born in the week before their due dates, so I already feel a week overdue. COME ON OUT LITTLE GIRL!
At least I didn't have her in the car, on the side of the road, in a snowstorm, right? And as I said to Clay last night, "She has to be born eventually, right? She can't stay in there FOREVER?"
This is my fourth baby, so you'd think I'd be pretty confident on that point. However, I find late pregnancy makes me just as frantic and befuddled as it ever did. Last night Clay was showing me tiny little dresses, trying to cheer and distract me, and I looked at them and realized with a start that labor doesn't just mean I won't be pregnant anymore - it means I'll have a tiny little baby to PUT in those dresses.
This was more of a shock to me than one might expect. I seem to have quite the capacity to lose track of the obvious.
Poor Jennie went home Saturday. She missed her FFA meet, because the interstate between us and Wyoming was closed through most of Friday. I still managed to feel guilty about that, although I'm not sure how to justify it. Jennie was very gracious about the whole thing, even though I know she was disappointed. I suggested she stay another week, since she'd missed the meet already, but she pointed out that her school, her teachers, and her mother all might have a problem with it. So she'll be back to meet her sister this summer - probably in June.
So here I wait. I think I've tried everything to get this baby born - including acupuncture. None of it works. I have, however, decided that I could make my fortune if I could only find an effective way to market an over-priced ebook of labor-starting tips to women who are in the last days of their pregnancy. Because we will pay the price. Oh yes, we will.
And yet, continuing in the theme of me not making any sense whatsoever, I plan to go see my doctor tomorrow with a very compelling argument about why I shouldn't be induced. I think I have to work on my talking points, though, because at this point they boil down to this: I REALLY HATE MEDICINE and STOP BEING MEAN TO ME.
Okay, she's not ACTUALLY being mean to me. She's just being a doctor, which is an unfortunate side effect of all those years of medical school. Right now I'm regretting not finding a midwife to follow this pregnancy - especially since the doctor seems to view me, in my pregnant dotage, as a ticking time-bomb already. An overdue ticking time bomb? Now THAT right there is a recipe for pitocin.
Soon, I am told, this will all be over, and the new normal will begin.
Call me jaded, but I'll believe it when I see her.
Posted by: Mir | March 30, 2009 at 05:37 AM
Well, if it increases your hope, it's snowing again. So here's another chance to deliver her in a snowstorm!
She will come. She's just like me, you know, always late.
Posted by: Amma Always | March 30, 2009 at 05:41 AM
Maybe when she arrives you can call her Jade??
Okay, I know. Stupid.
But did you giggle? Maybe giggling will encourage her to appear.
Posted by: Mit | March 30, 2009 at 05:55 AM
My boys were each a week early too. But, this is a girl. Maybe she wants to be fashionably late? How long will your doc make you go before an induction?
Thanks for your comment on my latests blog post. Now, to follow through on this appt.
Posted by: Heather | March 30, 2009 at 07:05 AM
Oh man, hang in there Kira! I love your style - both writing and life in general. What an awesome example your little one will have. Both you and dear Amma. The world needs more of all of you.
Posted by: Christine | March 30, 2009 at 08:55 AM
I'm with Mir...petpetpet!
Posted by: Amy-Go | March 30, 2009 at 09:22 AM
Any doctor who wants to induce you because you're TWO DAYS past due doesn't deserve any more of an answer than a firm "no." If you're feeling kind, "no, thank you."
Urgh. And I *like* doctors.
Posted by: TC | March 30, 2009 at 01:26 PM
I never went into labor on my own, and I have four children. All four had to be induced. This is the time of pregnancy that I always wished for a body double. Can I leave during the actual wait/labor part? It turns out I couldn't. Sigh.
My sister swears that sex starts labor. It involves a story about St. Patrick's Day and watching a parade on TV and ends with her son being born Mar. 18. I left out details you'd rather not know. But apparently there is some chemical in sperm that induces labor.
But you see how that worked for me -- (four induced labors, remember). Still, it is fun, and something to distract you from the waiting and the waiting and the repeated "Yes, I am still pregnant."
And for lots of fun, I suggest you go away from home for a couple of hours without notifying EVERY one. I did this once, and I arrived home to 18 messages from my mom and sister wondering where I was and if I was in labor. Two hours. Geesh.
Posted by: Linda Sherwood | March 30, 2009 at 01:39 PM
Is anyone else clicking in here a dozen times a day to see if it's happened yet?
Posted by: AGK | March 30, 2009 at 01:45 PM
AGK - YES!... about every 15-20 minutes. She should be thankful I don't have her cell phone #... I hope she's authorized a ghost writer to put up an announcement.
Posted by: Christine | March 30, 2009 at 02:08 PM
You never know, she might be an April Fool's day child!!!
We shall see...hmmmmm... in the meantime, sending out my reassurance and happy 'Come out little girl' prayers to you.
Posted by: Monetvalley | March 30, 2009 at 04:51 PM