This is just to say

That my sons

have renamed

their very

favorite part

which is kept

in their pants

and is now called


Forgive me

I should disapprove

but it's fun to say

and it makes me giggle.

(Deep apologies to William Carlos Williams. And his oodly-doodly.)



Whoa. Just this morning I was thinking about WCW, and wondering, really, just how much depends on a white chicken standing beside a red wheelbarrow?

We must be on some poetry wavelength.

I have no comment on the name oodly-doodly, except that I sure hope it doesn't make its way to my house. The hilarity that will ensue will be more than I can bear!


That is better than what my son called it. He said it was a dinkerdorf.


The things I miss! Girls just don't pay that much attention to what's down there.


my 9 yr old calls it "The Danger Zone"


Heh. I don't think you need to apologize. That's pretty funny.

gretchen from lifenut

I bet that's what Ned Flanders calls his?

Boys are funny in a way girls just...aren't.


It's called an oodly-doodly because it's so noodly!

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