May he always us it for good
Happy Birthday, sweet Jennie


Tre was at baseball practice with Clay, Max was reading James and the Giant Peach in the back seat, and I was driving. That left Raphael free to observe.

"Mom? Did you see that guy on the motorcycle? He flipped up the thing on his helmet that goes over his eyse. That's not safe. I should give him a ticket."

"Well, actually, that's just a visor, and he's probably just getting some air while he waits at the light. Besides, you aren't a police officer."

"Oh, that's right."

*silence, except for the sound of a traffic report on the radio*

"Mom? Did you see those smashed up cars over there by the police cars? They weren't driving careful."

"Well, accidents happen."

"You should show them how to drive careful."

"Mmm-hmm..." I chose not to enlighten him on the smashed up cars in my history.

*silence, except for the jabbering of a car commercial on the radio*

"Mom? You know those things hanging over Dad's tool bench?"

"Which things? There are lots of things hanging over Dad's tool bench."

"They're white...and, this big," he holds up his hands to show me a circle about three inches across,"...those things?"

"What about them?"

"Why are there more pen1s protectors hanging over Dad's tool bench?"

"Wha...oh, those aren't cups, baby. Those are air filter masks."

"Oh, too bad."

*silence, except for the news on the radio*

"MOM! Did you hear that? A soldier got killed by A ROCK!"

"No, hon. Not by a rock, in Iraq. That's where they're fighting a war."

"Why did the soldier die?"

"Because that happens in wars. People die."

"Why do we go to them, then?"

"I...that's hard to explain."

I turned off the radio.



Serenity Now!

Crap. Yeah, I don't look forward to those discussions at all. I think I may leave them to Major Man, the military history major and, well, a Major.

Mostly because I don't know what to say. Do you begin the brainwashing to your side of the political spectrum? Or do you do the smart thing and do what YOU did, be honest and say it's hard to explain?

I think you did the right thing. I bet more people do the first, unfortuntely.

amma d

Isn't the answer another question, as... "why do you and your brothers fight?"

amma d

In other words, it's a mystery!

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