It takes all kinds of courage to be a mom.

May he always us it for good

The afternoon hummed all around us, a balmy medley of far-off lawn mowers, the voices of kids playing, the whine of the table saw in the garage as Clay worked on something. Raphael, seeing that the neighbor girl was playing in her front yard, bounded up to me.

“Mom? Can I go play with Bethany and can I go in her house and do everything?”

This is a shorthand version of his question, “Mom, can I go play with Bethany and can I go in her house and play Xbox or watch TV or can I go in her backyard and play on the swing set or jump on the trampoline and if she offers, can I have a snack?” It’s good to get all the bases covered before he starts.

“Sure, honey,” I replied, “except no snacks. It’s almost dinnertime.”

“Ok,” he called over his shoulder as he headed for the door, “so I can do everything except snacks.”

Max was sprawled on the couch, playing his GameBoy, and he spoke up.

“Are you going to explode a cow? Or paint a tree? Will you take a bath? Eat a picnic? Will you gain all the powers in the world and fly around the block, looking in people’s homes with your X-ray vision? Will you meow like a cat?”

Raphael and I both looked at him, puzzled. Finally, he looked up.

“What? You said ‘do everything.’ I think there’s all sorts of things you’re not gonna do.”

Raphi shrugged and headed out the door, and Max turned back to his game.

I suspect his superpower is smartassery.



But, see, I wouldn't put it past Raphi to do most of those things. Max was underestimating him. ;)


Heh -- I was thinking the same thing. Shh, Max, don't give him any IDEAS!


Well, you know....I did spend a lot of time with Max when he was young.....

Amma D.

I think it is more like a different perspecive, ability to multitask and a future as a very expensive lawyer. I was thinking something similar, along the lines of "Good heavens! This is Raphi! What might 'everything' include?!

Love the exploding cow imagery. Don't you look forward to him reading Red Sky at Morning?


Max and I have the same superpower. :)


Don't mind those ideas, EXCEPT FOR THE FLYING AROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD WITH X-RAY VISION! Bob's on nights and when he gets up in the "morning"....well let's just say he could scare small children.

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