Everyone tells you to enjoy their babyhood, because it goes so fast. No one tells you that enjoying it doesn't slow it down one bit. Jerks.
May 10, 2007
I know it's a cliche - OH, they grow up SO FAST!
But the thing is, I remember. I remember when this shoe fit on Tre's actual foot.
It was recently. Not that long since that golden-lit summer. I remember.
And all of a sudden...
The other day I came home from a day of running errands, walked in the door, and kicked off my shoes. I don't normally leave my shoes right inside the door, but it was time to make dinner and the shoes were far too pretty to be worn one second longer than needed.
Ouch, is what I'm saying.
Later that evening I rounded the corner from the kitchen to see my shoes. They'd been kicked in two different directions, and one of them landed near Tre's shoes.
Like this.
Those great big, lurking shoes overwhelming mine? Those are his OLD shoes (his Heeleys, actually). The ones that are a little tight on him.
When did this happen?
Yes, I want to know too. When exactly did you go shoe shopping without me?
Posted by: groovecatmom | May 10, 2007 at 10:25 PM
I LOVE that picture of the baby shoe! As for the time when I might have a similar moment of clarity, it helps that I am an amazon and wear a size 11.
Posted by: studly steele | May 11, 2007 at 07:42 AM
I have ridiculously small feet, and my 10 year old daughter is now only 1 size behind me. Everyone else has overtaken me *sniff*, and seeing my big lad's huge Converse taking up half the box we keep our shoes in always makes me stop and remember.
Oh, and I like your shoes!
Posted by: Alison | May 11, 2007 at 10:39 AM