A post for my fellow Momwriters
December 02, 2005
You know what I hate? I hate that comic strip, “Marmaduke.” You know the one? It’s about a dog, a Great Dane, if I’m not mistaken, and how annoying he is. The “joke” in every strip is something about how Marmaduke is taking up all of the bed, or the couch, or he’s tracking mud in the house, or dragging his hapless owner pell-mell on a walk. His owners are forever looking harried and helpless as he eats their food and sits on their guests and just generally makes their lives hell.
It bugs me because
a) It’s just not funny. I mean. I know “funny” is an elusive quality, and some days I just CRACK MYSELF UP when no one else seems to get it, so I’m willing to grant a great deal of leeway on the subject. But I’m sorry, Marmaduke JUST ISN’T FUNNY. Not. Sorry. Plus,
b) The central, repeating theme is how annoying an animal Marmaduke is, yet no one ever DEALS with him. They could get him in some sort of giant rambunctious dog training or find a new home for him.
After a while, wouldn’t you have to get over it or get rid of the dog? If you DON’T pass the dog along to some other, more patient soul with more room and less friends, haven’t you signed up for whatever abuse you get?
It’s sort of like when I’m talking to a friend, and she’s moaning for the ten thousandth time about how badly her buddy at work treats her. Gah. I’m sorry, I am, but after a while you have to do something about it or accept it.
Ok, you don’t HAVE to, but it annoys me.
It annoys me when people let themselves be treated badly, and then complain about it as though they were surprised.
What does all this have to do with Momwriters? Well, for those of you who don’t know, MW is a list serve that caters to…well, moms who write. There are actually a few men on the list too, which I find odd, to tell you the truth. Whatever.
Anyhow, recently the owner of the list decided she would make it a subscription service, to the tune of $5 a month. With 1500 members (at the time). You do the math.
What followed was a deafening silence (no responses were allowed onlist), and then some fairly offensive posts (in my opinion) from the list owner, defending her choice. The discussion moved offlist (check out Joshilyn’s well crafted response – don’t miss the comments), and I followed it with righteous indignation.
How COULD she?
Can you BELIEVE?
What about when she said THIS?
And now, after a few days of discussion by the eloquent members of this community, I’m done*. I’m still a member of the list – at least until January, when I’ll be kicked off. I’m not paying for the privilege of reading emails. I don’t know if I’ll wait to be kicked off or if I’ll unsub.
But after the last few days it’s pretty clear to me the treatment I can expect from this corner, a place that used to be a haven for me. It’s sad, but now that I’m done being surprised, the only thing left for me to do is choose my response.
*Please don’t think I’m suggesting anyone else should stop discussing the matter. Process at your own pace. I’ve been impressed with the civility of the whole thing. I’m just saying I am done.
I am grateful that I had MW for a while. I got to know YOU, my Kira!!!
Posted by: Heather | December 03, 2005 at 07:15 AM
I hear ya...
Posted by: AGK | December 03, 2005 at 07:28 AM
Ahh...that explains some of the blogs I've read lately. Wow, that's too bad about MW. I know how much you liked it. I feel indignant, and I'm not even a MW. But, I like your response. You go, Kira.
Also, um...you would *tell* me if I was one of the people annoying you with ten thousand complaints, wouldn't you?
Posted by: Groovecatmom | December 03, 2005 at 09:05 AM
Indignance is one reaction that I've not hit yet. I do that normally when my posts go missing :)
I dunno. There's so much to absorb that I feel kinda...numb. Things will never be the same again, but then again, lots have been sayiong that for a while, and that things really needed to change. Just...not like this.
Sigh. I'm articulate enough about other stuff, there's just SO much to say.
Posted by: Kai | December 03, 2005 at 10:51 AM
I know this is a little off topic from the other comments, but I thought I was the only person who hated that comic strip! I mean, I've never in my whole life had a conversation about it with anyone, and no one has ever said to me on a Monday morning, "Did you catch Marmaduke yesterday? When will that crazy dog ever learn?" Maybe I'm not the only one who skips about 75% of the comics on Sundays!
Posted by: thisbiochemicallife | December 03, 2005 at 07:57 PM
I'm holding out some sort of hope even though the happy feelings are all gone and what is there to hope for. Sigh... I'm really just amazed by the whole thing.
Posted by: Tiff | December 03, 2005 at 08:55 PM
I was mad at first, but now I'm just hurting. (I started to write a big long note here, but then decided I should take it to my own blog.)
Posted by: Jensgalore | December 04, 2005 at 07:00 AM
I think that the issues with MW sucks. I don't even belong to it and I feel bad for everyone.
Meanwhile... I HATE Marmaduke.
Posted by: Mary Jo | December 04, 2005 at 04:07 PM
A few comments...
First...I am truly sorry that you MW people have lost such a wonderful gift. I know this part of the landscape of your life is being dismantled and taken from you, and it is a grief.
Third...(Anybody still there...hello...)That phrase "Never Be The Same Again" - facinating. Nothing ever is, is it. Not today, not any day. Not any moment. But events like this certainly do make it more obvious.
OK...I'll stop.
Posted by: Amma D | December 05, 2005 at 07:22 AM
Seems like Yahoo groups would shut down that list, as charging for membership violates Yahoo Group guidelines ( http://groups.yahoo.com/local/guidelines.html ):
"6. You may not use Yahoo! Groups for commercial or advertising purposes. "
It also violates Yahoo's Terms of service ( http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ )
You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Service (including your Yahoo! ID), use of the Service, or access to the Service."
Making the fee required will cause MW to have the moderators removed from power at the very least, the list delisted entirely at the most.
Posted by: JohnH | December 05, 2005 at 11:49 AM