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Did you read this? It seems kudzu may be helpful in controlling binge drinking. I'm not the only one who thinks this is funny, am I? I mean, what are two things the South is drowning in? Kudzu and alcohol, right?

It's like living in Boulder and finding out that self-righteousness is a cure for altitude sickness.


Dawn H.

"Scientists hope that one day kudzu's ingredients might lead to a drug that could help treat alcoholism."

Great. We will be able to get alcoholics to drink less and think they no longer have a problem. So they will not get help, and just stay mean, angry, and/or immature, without benefit of alcohol! Anyone ever hear the term "dry drunk", or the phrase "just don't get it!"?

A better use for Kudzu is to secretly plant it outside the scientist's lab one night, and by quiting time the next day they should be unable to escape!


i must admit - i am addicted to kudzu (though not alcohol, so much). it has the best smell in the world, and it reminds me of home in the summertime ...


"It's like living in Boulder and finding out that self-righteousness is a cure for altitude sickness."


Boulder would be a great town to live in after all the current residents were evacuated.

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