Why I can't blog tonight
April 03, 2005
Oh…sigh. I know I should blog, but I’m just too blissful. You’ll have to excuse me.
It was such a nice weekend. The weather was balmy and gorgeous, which simply reaches into my brain and flips the switch from “fairly tense and too busy to enjoy much” to “Ohhh…yeah…that’s good.”
The garlic Max helped me plant a few weeks ago? They’re poking green spears through the dirt, which makes me unreasonably happy.
Friday night Dad, Mom, Clay, and I played Scrabble. I may have lost (Mom totally cheated), but it was just so much fun. I hate to lose, but this is the second Scrabble game in a row that Clay has bested me at, and you have to love a man who can beat you at Scrabble.
Saturday I received in the mail a copy of a book with an essay I wrote in it. Along with an actual check, for actual dollars. I opened the book up, and there were my words, in real typeface. Mom, Dad, and Clay all read the essay whilst I fiddled with things and tried not to look like I was watching to see if they laughed in the right parts. They did.
I had some friends over for a Pampered Chef party Saturday night, which was totally my mom’s idea. I was…unsure of the wisdom of this idea, but when people started arriving Saturday night I was thrilled. There were friends I see all the time and friends I haven’t seen for years. There was skillet turtle cake. It was fun and relaxed. Did I mention the cake? Mom passed around the book with my essay in it, making more people read it. I grinned and acted like that happens to me all the time. “Oh yeah, I got my contributor’s copy today. I’m pleased.”
After church today Clay and the boys and I went out for lunch with some friends from church. They’re very nice people, interesting and funny, and their kids are great. We chatted comfortably, and in the middle of telling them something, I lightly rested my hand on Clay’s arm, and it hit me how much I’d missed being a couple in situations like this. You can’t have that same comfortable kind of interaction with a couple unless you’re part of a couple. It’s not everything, but it’s very very nice.
Then, this afternoon, we all went on a bike ride. Mom, Dad, Clay, the boys and I all headed out and rode into the state park right across the road from us. Tre charged ahead, determined not to let anyone pass him. He was followed by Dad, who had Raphi on a hiker bike behind him. Raphi would peddle furiously, churning away, and chortle at the rest of us. He was “THE FASTEST!” he informed us. He was pretty sure he was even faster than my dad, which is a neat trick, considering that his bike was bolted to the back of Dad’s. Max meandered from edge to edge of the trail behind Dad, while Mom, Clay and I followed, trying not to smack into him when he stopped unexpectedly.
On the way home we rode through an intersection, and a man in a car that was stopped at the red light started yelling at us.
“I could have run all of you down! I could have got every single one of you! I could have! But I didn’t!”
I think he must have been either seriously mentally ill, or on drugs. He was enraged. But even that couldn’t touch the glowy happy place I was in. We sailed on past him, and I was content to respond by avoiding eye contact. Besides, I didn’t even believe him. I don’t think he COULD have gotten us all. No one ever knows what direction Max is going to go.
We went home (including one impressive moment when Clay saved the day by picking up Max’s bike and his bike and hustling Max across the street before the light changed – you had to be there, it was total hero stuff), and the boys ate, bathed, and went off to sleep without a word of protest, despite the time change.
So see? It was such a lovely weekend, and I’m practically purring with contentment tonight. I just don’t have the will to blog. Too happy.
I’ll try tomorrow.
This was the nicest thing to read first thing in the morning. Hope the glow stays on for awhile :)
Posted by: lizardek | April 04, 2005 at 12:48 AM
What a great weekend! Congratulations on the essay. I'm so excited for you. :)
And now I'm going to go try to find a recipe for skillet turtle cake. That sound seriously yummy. And if I can't find it I'll be back to beg for it!
Posted by: Jensgalore | April 04, 2005 at 05:12 AM
reading this makes me feel like today has a chance to be a good day (maybe.) thanks and congrats!
Posted by: chris | April 05, 2005 at 05:19 AM
I am so feeling the bliss. This week has been good. I am glad you are feeling fabulous too!
Posted by: song | April 05, 2005 at 07:17 AM
Sounds like a great weekend. I'm trying to remember the last time we played scrabble...yikes. Sometimes it's good to take time off just to enjoy something else.
Posted by: Karin | April 05, 2005 at 02:57 PM