Birth Day
April 12, 2005
I have a sort of on-line obsession of sorts. I can’t stay away from the pregnancy blogs. You know, the ones where someone is due to have a baby any day. Sheri is having her son today (the 13th). I check in on her blog multiple times a day. I don’t have TIME to check in on her blog multiple times a day.
Angela, over at Fluid Pudding, is also entirely knocked up, and I drop in often to get a dose of that special late in the third trimester ire. You just can’t duplicate that.
I think most people read Chez Miscarriage, so I’m not the only one following Grrl’s story about having a child via a surrogate mother. It was twins, you know, but they lost one…
There are so many great writers out there, and I vainly try to keep up with a ton of well written blogs. But the ones with tales of nascent life…those ones are my obsession.
Joshilyn is not pregnant. But today is quite the day for her. Today her book, gods in Alabama is officially released. I’m not sure what the significance of the release date is, because it’s been in stores for days. Amazon started shipping it, what, last week? I’ve already read it (thanks, David!).
It’s an amazing book. Now, I adore Joshilyn, so you might think I’m biased. I will admit I started reading it with her in mind. Oh, I’d think, that’s a word she uses. That description sounds like something she’d say. But within about…a page, I’d forgotten about her entirely. I was immersed in the story, engaged with the characters. I forget Arlene doesn’t actually exist, and now I miss her. This is a fine book, and I would say that even if – hmm, how to put this most bluntly? – even if my ex wrote it. Heh. How’s that for an endorsement?
I love Joshilyn’s blog. It’s funny and brilliant and touching and true. And funny. But these days I’m particularly drawn to it. This is a story of new life. She’s in the final stages of labor, bringing her book to the world. And she TOTALLY FREAKS OUT sometimes.
So Joss, if you’re out there today, listen to me.
Today is not a fluke. You are a genuine success. I am always proud to know you, but today I’m bragging about it. Enjoy.
And for the rest of you, go buy the book, already. You’ll thank me.