September 16, 2004
The most incredible thing happened the other day. I was at a restaurant with my kids and my cousin’s kids, and I gave all of them coins to toss in a fountain. They took turns aiming for the highest bowl of the fountain, and after admiring each other’s shots, they wandered away in a noisy bunch. All except Raphael, who bellied up to the fountain to see if there was any hope for a quick swim before dinner.
Tre ambled over to me and said casually, “Do you know what I wished for? When I threw my coin?”
I paused, remembering.
In the months after his dad left, every opportunity for wishing had the same result. Tre would squeeze his eyes tight shut and wish so hard on every birthday candle, shooting star, wishbone, eyelash on the cheek, coin in the fountain. And then when he was done, and a few minutes had passed, he would find me. He’d slip his hand in mine (he was so little then), and say, “Do you know what I wished for?”
And I’d say yes, because it was always the same thing.
“That Daddy would come back,” he’d confirm. I’d nod, helpless.
Every wish, the same thing. It got to where he’d fix his eyes on the item that was supposed to grant his wish, and then find my eyes. Do you know? he’d mouth, and I’d nod, my heart breaking with him.
But this time? When he walked over to me, too big by far to slip his hand in mine, he looked at me with unclouded eyes.
“I wished that I could have a hundred dollar gift certificate to Borders!”
I nodded back, and turned to hide tears of a different sort.
“I wish you could have that too, Honey,” I said. So, so grateful.
I just spent the last 45 minutes reading some of your entries. Thank you for sharing your insights and humor in lifes little moments. Your boys are blessed to have such a caring, intellegent, thoughtful, and fun Mother. It is cool that Tre chose another wish today....Sandi
Posted by: Sandi | September 16, 2004 at 11:18 PM
Wow. Big steps for such small feet.
Posted by: Mary Jo | September 17, 2004 at 12:13 AM
*heart breaks*
Posted by: lizardek | September 17, 2004 at 12:16 AM
Yaaaayyyy! Not only is he growing around that obstacle in his life, but he is wishing for a gift certificate to Borders. A BOOKSTORE! Not a toy store, or candy store or ice cream store! A BOOKSTORE! I love it!
Now if he doesn't kill himself door climbing or jumping off stairs he is going to turn out to be a literate person. This one goes on your list, sweetie!
Posted by: Amma D | September 17, 2004 at 05:48 AM
Oh my. (((KIRA))) If I had $100 today that boy would be getting a Borders card. Sigh...
Posted by: Heather | September 17, 2004 at 08:08 AM
(what, like I was supposed to resist saying that?)
Posted by: | September 17, 2004 at 08:30 AM
Ya done good, Kira.
Posted by: Mir | September 17, 2004 at 10:03 AM
Coins in the fountain.
Posted by: mark | September 17, 2004 at 04:31 PM
Would that be the Casa fountain?! LOL
Posted by: Hula Doula | September 17, 2004 at 08:19 PM
PS..got some info you might be interested in!!
Posted by: Hula Doula | September 17, 2004 at 08:55 PM