How was everyone’s Leap Day?
February 29, 2004
How was everyone’s Leap Day? Did you all observe with solemnity the importance of the day? Yeah, me neither. The closest thing to a Leap Day celebration we had around here is when Raphael played with the Leap Pad.
Today is my friend Amy’s son, William’s birthday. Whoa, tangled sentence. Let me try again. Today is the birthday of William, the son of my dear friend Amy. He’s four. When Amy was pregnant and her due date was approaching around Leap Day, I urged her to have him on February 29. But she said noooo, she didn’t want her son’s birthday complicated by the whole leap year madness. She was hoping to hold out until March.
William was born March 1, and I’ve never quite gotten over it. I’m still convinced she could have had him on February 29 if she’d just wanted to, but no. And now the day is here again…sniff…it’s bringing up old wounds…sniff…
Nonetheless, William is now four, and a fine sturdy lad he is. Happy birthday, William! And Amy and John, you’re doing a wonderful job with him and Carolyn – even if you didn’t have him on the right day. I’ll get over that eventually.
I had a quiet day Sunday, here at home with my boys. Tre and Raphael have a cold so we stayed home from church. Max isn’t sick, but he got to go play with the Natalie across the street, so it was just what everyone needed.
I keep claiming to be fighting the cold, but the truth is it’s fighting back. I’m a little sick. Just a little, and it hurts my pride to admit that. I don’t get sick, see. But there really was no way I was going to avoid this particular disease. Raphael keeps climbing on my lap and pressing his snot-slimed little face to mine, lovingly patting my cheek as he covertly engages in germ warfare.
So I’m sneezing and sniffing and not writing engaging prose. Ah well. I’m off to bed. Better luck to all of us tomorrow.