Oh, geez, guys. I don’t
January 11, 2004
Oh, geez, guys. I don’t know what to write. I’ve been sitting here for an hour, trying to come up with a decent blog. Claire (our beautiful stupid cat) has been sitting next to my keyboard, looking at the screen with deep distain. And she’s right.
I made one good stab at it, got at least four paragraphs in, but I kept nodding off because it was so freakin’ boooooring.
So I kept clicking back over to the internet, visiting many of the blogs I love. Looking for inspiration. Y’all rock. But the vast sea of blogging talent out there only served to leave me feeling even less capable of producing a readable blog. Yeesh.
So I kept trying to access the TLC site to apply to be on “While You Were Out.” However, their site crashed my browser like three times, so I gave up. I’d really love to surprise my mom with a lovely back yard retreat…an oasis, if you will…
Ok - what I’d actually like to do is follow Andrew Dan-Jumbo, the carpenter, around for two days, stroking his sweaty biceps and purring.
Ahem. That, I suppose, is neither here nor there.
The point I’m trying to make is…I have nothing to say. Sorry. My life just isn’t all that interesting. Um…I saw the movie Calendar Girls today. Very cute. And…I said to Raphael this evening, “What did Appa say about playing the piano with your truck?” which I bet is a sentence that I’m the only person in the world to have used.
Oh, I found a picture for you. Here.
So I suppose I should just give up. Throw in the towel. I probably should quit blogging altogether. (In case you didn’t notice, that was a clear plea for flattering remarks about how much you’d miss me.)
Alright I’m calling it a night. What have we learned here, people?
1 - Don’t always expect stellar bloggage from Kira.
2 – Go see Calendar Girls
3 – Andrew Dan-Jumbo is undeniably attractive.
4 – Kira should possibly consider getting out more. Or disconnecting the cable.
5 – Claire, our beautiful stupid cat, may be stupid, but she recognizes a boring blog when she sees one.