I was in a Linens
January 12, 2004
I was in a Linens n’ Baththings Beyond Store the other day (er…something like that…I get them mixed up) with Raphael. We were browsing, which means I’d actually gotten lost in the warren-like aisles of that monstrosity of a store, and was wandering around, trying to look thoughtful, not panicky.
Anyhow, I came around a corner and spied a bed that was all decked out in their most sumptuous sheets and such. Now, my bed is decked with things that can be tossed in the washing machine whenever they get puked on by young children. Not what you’d call sumptuous. Oh, but this bed was beautiful. All raw silk with shimmering golden threads woven through. Above the bed was a canopy, a simple rectangle of gauzy stuff with a fringe of sparkling glass beads. The canopy just took my breath away. I mean, what a stupid thing to hang above your bed…I know. But it was so pretty. So girly.
I stood there in the aisle and sighed at the canopy. “Isn’t that pretty?” I remarked to Raphael. He looked up at it in silence for a moment.
“Can ah ride it?” he asked.
“No, it’s not for riding.”
“Is it for Mama ride it?” he wondered.
“No, it’s Not For Riding.”
“Why, den?”
“Because it’s pretty.”
He gazed at it a while longer, then shook his head in bewilderment and went back to trying to knock towels of shelves.
Ah well. Someday I suppose I can hang any stupid thing I want to in the house and no one will try to ride it. But for now, best to stick with simple, sturdy, and washable.