I’m sitting here, far too
November 19, 2003
I’m sitting here, far too tired to blog (aside here, I just typed “fart oo tired to blog” and snickered like a little boy. I need to get out more). Allow me to treat you to a few snapshots of my day.
Raphael is sick. Raphael deals with illness much like we all deal with illness. He grows a touch whiny and wants his mama to hold him all the time. Well, isn’t that how you feel when your nose is runny and you have a cough? Ok then. He also has slightly less impulse control and slightly more dramatic reactions to any negative input in his day. Are you getting that? Raphael with LESS impulse control and MORE drama. This is why I’m tired.
On the desk in front of me is a piece of paper that Max was writing on. I’m not sure of what some of it says, but it starts “NO REDEN.” Get that? It means “no reading.” It’s a note to his Amma, and a long story at that, but isn’t that a fine example of early phonetic spelling? The boy is brilliant, I tell you. Now if I can just teach him to keep track of pens and pencils. Today we were in the van and he requested a pen. He wanted to work on another note. I had just given him one of MY pens yesterday, so I asked him where that one was. He had NO IDEA and was SHOCKED that I would expect him to know. Ok then. I gave him another pen. This evening I was looking for something in the van and found on the floor in front of his car seat nine, count ‘em, NINE pens and pencils.
Tre is almost done with book # 30 of the Magic Treehouse series. He’s thrilled with those books. The other morning I heard him wake up before I did and waited for him to bounce into my room, demanding breakfast. But he didn’t. I waited. I heard slow steps in the hall. Slow steps on the stairs. What the heck was he doing? Finally curiosity got the better of me and I got up to see what he was doing. He was walking down the stairs, reading his book. One. Step. At. A. Time.
He couldn’t stop reading long enough to walk down the stairs. Now, that’s cool. Um...probably not a good idea, but cool.