I was reading here a
Mom and I took the

Hey, anyone notice my nifty

Hey, anyone notice my nifty new set of links? Yes, I finally figured out how to add those to my blog template. *whew*
AND, I’d like to add, I figured it out all on my own. Which is to say that I sought out the information on my “intellectual strata,” as my brother Josh would put it, and applied that information. Not, I suppose, that I actually figured it out all on my own. Nonetheless.
There they all are, the many blog offerings that have caught my eye. Enjoy. Also, please note that at the top of my links list is the suggestion that you should “Email me!!” Please feel free to click on that and send me an email should your little heart desire. Especially if I messed up something in adding all y’all’s blogs. Do set me straight.
Moving on.
This afternoon, while Tre and Max were in school, Raphael and I ran some errands. I suppose technically I was the one running the errands, Raphi was running me ragged. He just has so many IDEAS. Anyhow, as we were on our way home, driving up our street, he sang out from the back seat, “Mama? Can ah watch teebee?”
“Sure,” I replied. Love the teebee. I know, that’s not a good thing…but I can’t remember why anymore. Raphael was gazing out the window and another IDEA occurred to him.
“MAMA,” he shrieked, “we can go for a walk!” I looked out at the thrashing branches of a tree in the neighbor’s yard. It’s still fairly windy around here.
“Well…we could, but look how windy it is. It looks pretty cold and yucky out there. Do you think you would rather take a walk or watch TV?” I know, this was playing dirty. I didn’t want to go for a walk. Raphael looked out the window for a moment then replied,
”Aktually, ah’m not sure. Yet me fink about it.”
I would suspect he’s brilliant beyond belief, my two year old who is actually not sure and needs to think about it.
But he then spent a half hour watching the Wiggles in slack-mouthed amazement, so maybe not.
He is darn cute, though.


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